Network Rail
My Sentinel
Two factor authentication will be released for mySentinel and Sentinel app on 13th February 2024, please ensure that your details are registered on mySentinel and are correct.
2023 8 Mar

Test Before Touch OLE Briefing Event in Sentinel

Posted in Uncategorized

A learning event has been created in Sentinel for the Test Before Touch OLE Briefing Event, which if attended must be awarded in Sentinel. It will appear in the Track Safety section of the list of  competences when swiping in.

It will be shown as Test Before Touch for OLE detailed briefing event. Please make sure you have the latest version of the Sentinel app to view your briefing event. The previous event will still appear in the Events section of Sentinel profiles.

If you are asked to confirm that the Test Before Touch for OLE detailed briefing has been undertaken, your Sentinel card should be presented to be scanned.

From today, please use the new TBTOLDBE event to record any colleagues that undertake the detailed briefing for the Test Before Touch for Overhead Line Equipment standard.

For any queries please contact