FAO: all Sponsors, Training & Assessment Providers, Line Managers Please read the attached update from Paul Brady, Principal Workforce Safety Specialist, detailing the latest enhanced version of the NR9925 Key Points. IWA COSS PC Key Points NR9925 Issue 13
This issue is now resolved Following the update to the apple app, released this morning, we have become aware that users are receiving a Warning message (see below) when launching the app after the upgrade. To resolve this, please uninstall and reinstall the app at which point the error message will no longer be displayed. […]
To help keep you on track during the May Bank Holiday weekend we are asking you to check the points below to ensure Sentinel information is updated before works begin: Check a Competence You can check the expiry dates for your competences and medical by logging into your MySentinel account via the Sentinel website then clicking the Cardholder link […]
To: Sponsor admins NR/SC, Sponsor read only NR/SC, CDS (NR) We understand some Sentinel sponsors are withholding Sentinel cards from the people they sponsor, directing them instead to use printed copies or photo images stored on their phone. The Sentinel Scheme Rules give examples of actions which would be a breach of those rules, including: […]